Monday, August 6, 2012

Good Day Sunshine

Instead of the title of a Beatles' song I feel like nowadays I could have just as well have used the Walker Brothers' hit from around that same time, The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore. (You may remember that Scott Walker has gone on to make some very interesting albums indeed, some corrosive and beautiful and some just heartbreakingly beautiful ). Nature and the organic world seem to have that dual aspect also. Some days the sun could go on forever, no matter how hot and sweaty and some days we wish for nothing so fervently as rain, and the melanchoic thrumming on the roof and mist from the pavement and the pearlescent drops on the leaves shimmering as we pass them to hurry to the car.  And of course most of the time, those of us in the city seldom think about the stars at night; sometimes the moon makes itself forcefully seen, as we hurry in to our screens and telematic life we all live now, watching bathyspheres enter the depths and distances of other worlds while  the star drops gather outside our window,  and dew collects and glints if we happen to pass by at the right time to catch the glow of those miniature infinities.

With all the mind-boggling news which seems to move on 24 hour orbits now, the only respite seems to be to walk through the gates of our own making into gardens whose tending we may find to mean more and more with each passing year, and to recover skills lost in the last 75 years as re: how to re-attach ourselves to the earth. And then again some may come to choose to put their brain in a tincan and shoot it to Saturn to report on the ring gardens there, while others choose to stay more grounded (which can have its own charge if we remember how lightning works, those awesome strokes of most energetic nature which can appear like cracks in our own most cherished global skimcoat of atmosphere..).

If nothing else, thanks to Tom and Cindy for occasioning these thoughts of a world which is omnipresent but which seem to often escape us in the altogether awesome implications of what it is to be alive and kicking (and weeding and seeding and growing) now.

Sloane has been busy working on updating Freedonia Works into a more omnibus project having to do with sustainability and craft as well as that other vegetative dimension that surrounds us and that we need for both mental (well some of us) and physical sustenance (well those of us who wish to be as healthy as we can) and she will be reporting on some of those events and processes as time goes by (or as we pass by time; I sometimes wish it were more the latter way of moving).

At any rate here is a picture of here studio, on photo at night and one during the day last winter (some of you may remember the chicken coop we had--which has become this studio!):

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